Here a few experiences of former volunteers:
From Israel
The toucan was trying to kill me. He wouldn’t let me leave my room; every time I cracked open the door, he would...
From Israel
We had made plans to volunteer at an indigenous community in the Amazon. In this case, “plans” can be defined as texting a...
From Germany
SachaYacu - "Centro de Rescate de fauna silvestre/ Wild Animal Rescue Center" befindet sich via Arajuno...
From United States
Once at Sacha Yacu, I got to know each of my fellow volunteers and the owning family quite well although my stay was...
From Canada
I wanted to thanks the Sacha Yacu centre and the Alvarez family for an amazing week of volunteering...
From Germany
Ich bin gut in der Station angekommen. Und die Fahrt war deutlich leichter und unkomplitizierter als ich...
From France
From Denmark
Nu er den foerste uge paa projektet, Sacha Yacu, gaaet. Allerede!! Vores hverdag bestaar mest af at fodre dyrene om morgenen...
From Germany
Wenn wir aus dem dichten Gehölz des Dschungels ins Freie hinaustreten, trifft die Hitze einen wie ein Schlag. Und oft dauert es nur wenige...
SACHA YACU e.V., 4104 Oberwil BL, Freie Gemeinschaftsbank, 4001 Basel, Switzerland
IBAN CH16 0839 2000 1536 7030 4, Konto: 153670304